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Dr.lu International Dental Clinic
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 Health library-headaches


The cause of your headaches may surprise you.

People suffering from headaches, dizziness, neck or back pain, may be experiencing symptoms of Temporomandibular Disorder, or TMD.

TMD is actually a number of disorders that have their origin in the Temporomandibular Joint. Located near the ear, te TM Joint allows people to chew, swallow, speak and yawn. Dentists check the TM Joint for TMD during regular check-ups. Aside from the symptoms listed above, TMD also causes clicking, popping or grinding of the joint.

Studies suggest that TMD may be caused by stress and stress-related behaviour including teeth-grinding, jaw-clenching or nail-biting. These habits can cause a patient's bite to be out of balance, which in turn causes TMD. An out of balance bite can also be the result of crowns or bridges being too high or too low, or dentures that fit poorly, or an accident or blow to the head.

Treating TMD may include filing teeth, using a dental appliance, stress therapy or the use of analgesics or muscle relaxants. Oral surgery is a final alternative in severe cases but surgery is very rare.

People can help themselves by placing warm compresses on and around the jaw before bed, as well as massaging and carefully stretching the jaw to help relax the muscles. When relaxed, one's lips should be together, while the teeth should be slightly apart with the tongue resting against the roof of the mouth.


 Copyright Dr.lu International Dental Clinic 2005